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33 posts tagged with "pawsql"

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IN Subquery Optimization

· 6 min read
PawSQL Team
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Problem Definition

An IN subquery is a type of subquery that takes the following form.

(expr1, expr2...) [NOT] IN (SELECT expr3, expr4, ...)

An IN subquery can be rewritten as an equivalent correlated EXISTS subquery or inner join, which can create a extra filtering condition. If the filtering condition has an appropriate index or is recommended by the PawSQL index recommendation engine, better performance can be achieved.

  • IN Subquery to EXISTS conversion

Implicit Data Type Conversion

· 6 min read
PawSQL Team
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Copyright © 2024 PawSQL


Let's say the O_ORDERDATE column in TPCH.ORDERS table is defined as VARCHAR(16), and there is an index ORDDATE_IDX on ORDERS(O_ORDERDATE) to accelerate the queries against this table if there is a condition on O_ORDERDATE. If we want to count the number of orders of today using following SQL query.

select count(*) from ORDERS 
where O_ORDERDATE = current_date();

Use explain to get the query plan:

-> Filter: (orders.O_ORDERDATE = <cache>(curdate()))  (cost=2621.05 rows=19938)
-> Table scan on ORDERS (cost=2621.05 rows=199378)

From the query plan, we can see the database optimizer uses a table scan instead of the index lookup as we expected. The query cost is high.

Counting Optimization

· 2 min read
PawSQL Team
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Copyright © 2024 PawSQL

DDL Definition

-- tpch.nation definition
CREATE TABLE `nation` (
`N_NAME` char(25) NOT NULL,
`N_COMMENT` varchar(152) DEFAULT NULL,
KEY `PAW_IDX1831397382` (`N_NATIONKEY`,`N_NAME`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci;

Plan Visualization for MySQL

· 4 min read
PawSQL Team
Optimize your SQL Queries by Clicks!

Copyright © 2024 PawSQL


The execution plan is an internal execution strategy generated by the database when executing SQL queries. It describes how the SQL is executed step-by-step internally in the database and is an important basis for diagnosing SQL performance issues and tuning. As the complexity of database applications increases, SQL execution plans become more and more complicated along with the SQL. Relying on plaintext execution plans makes it very challenging to grasp the overall execution plan, locate key paths and bottlenecks, bringing great difficulties to DBAs' performance tuning work.

The visual execution plan tool intuitively presents the execution plan in a flowchart, clearly showing the plan structure. It uses visual elements to highlight key operations and paths, while associating SQL statement source code for integrated analysis. This can greatly improve the efficiency for DBAs to understand and analyze execution plans, quickly locate performance bottlenecks, and perform precise optimization on SQL or indexes.