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Join Elimination

· 5 min read
PawSQL Team
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Join Elimination is a rewriting optimization in SQL that simplifies queries and improves query performance by removing joins from the query without affecting the final result. Typically, this optimization is used when a query contains a primary-foreign key join and only references the primary key columns of the main table.

Consider the following example:

select o.* from orders o inner join customer c on c.c_custkey=o.o_custkey

The orders table is joined with the customer table, and c_custkey is the primary key of the customer table. In this case, the customer table can be eliminated, and the rewritten SQL would be:

select * from orders where o_custkey

IN Subquery Optimization

· 6 min read
PawSQL Team
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Problem Definition

An IN subquery is a type of subquery that takes the following form.

(expr1, expr2...) [NOT] IN (SELECT expr3, expr4, ...)

An IN subquery can be rewritten as an equivalent correlated EXISTS subquery or inner join, which can create a extra filtering condition. If the filtering condition has an appropriate index or is recommended by the PawSQL index recommendation engine, better performance can be achieved.

  • IN Subquery to EXISTS conversion

Implicit Data Type Conversion

· 6 min read
PawSQL Team
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Copyright © 2024 PawSQL


Let's say the O_ORDERDATE column in TPCH.ORDERS table is defined as VARCHAR(16), and there is an index ORDDATE_IDX on ORDERS(O_ORDERDATE) to accelerate the queries against this table if there is a condition on O_ORDERDATE. If we want to count the number of orders of today using following SQL query.

select count(*) from ORDERS 
where O_ORDERDATE = current_date();

Use explain to get the query plan:

-> Filter: (orders.O_ORDERDATE = <cache>(curdate()))  (cost=2621.05 rows=19938)
-> Table scan on ORDERS (cost=2621.05 rows=199378)

From the query plan, we can see the database optimizer uses a table scan instead of the index lookup as we expected. The query cost is high.

Counting Optimization

· 2 min read
PawSQL Team
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Copyright © 2024 PawSQL

DDL Definition

-- tpch.nation definition
CREATE TABLE `nation` (
`N_NAME` char(25) NOT NULL,
`N_COMMENT` varchar(152) DEFAULT NULL,
KEY `PAW_IDX1831397382` (`N_NATIONKEY`,`N_NAME`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci;