4. Optimization Results
After optimization completes, a summary markdown file named pawTuningSummary
will be generated and opened automatically. Install the Markdown plugin to get better user experience, and enable hyperlinks in the markdown file.
4.1 Optimization Summary
The pawTuningSummary file contains:
- Optimization overview
- Recommended indexes
- List of optimized SQL
4.2 SQL Tuning Details
Click on a SQL name in the summary file to open its tuning details:
- Original SQL
Rewrite Optimization
- Rewritten SQL
- Applied rewrite strategies
- SQL fragments related to each rewrite
Auditing Rule violations
- Violated rule (click to see the elaboration of rule)
- Problematic SQL fragments related to violation
Index Recommendations
- Recommended indexes
- How recommended indexes help performance
Existing Index Analysis
- Existing Indexes on each table
- How existing indexes help query execution
- Redundant indexes
- Warning if num of indexes on single table exceeds the threshold
Performance Validation
- Performance improvement
- Applied recommended indexes
- Execution plans before/after optimization