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Four Pitfalls of SQL Processing with Null Values

Channel of advanced SQL tuning


NULL value processing is the most error-prone for database application developers, mainly because we are accustomed to using binary Boolean logic, while the database's processing logic for NULL values is three-valued logic. In fact, the most flawed component in the database optimizers is the logic related to NULL value processing. Even mature database software, such as DB2/Teradata, still has more than 20% of the bugs related NULL processing.

In this article, we analyze the root causes of the NULL value pitfalls, and conclude with a simple and effective examination logic to infer the final result. At the same time, we explain the applicable conditions and solutions for the four common scenarios in daily development work. After reading this article, you will be able to cope with all the scenarios regarding NULL value handling in your daily SQL processing work.

Code of Examination

The following examination logic covers all scenarios for NULL values in SQL processing, and by understanding the following logic, you can avoid the NULL pitfalls.

1. The result of all comparison and arithmetic operators (>, =, <, !=, <=, >=, +,-,*, /) with `NULL` result is `unknown`
2. The logical operations(`AND, OR, NOT`) of `unknown` follows the [truth values table of three-value operations]
3. If the result of the operation is returned directly to the user, use `NULL` to represent `unknown`
4. If the result of the operation is `true` or `false` as a condition during SQL processing, then the operation needs to be performed by the three-value logic, and the final result is determined by the following logic
1. {false、unknown} -> false
2. {true} ->true
5. In set operations such as `UNION` or `INTERSECT`, `NULL` values are considered equal to each other.

Three-valued Logic 1

In logic, a three-valued logic (also trinary logic, trivalent, ternary, or trilean, sometimes abbreviated 3VL) is any of several many-valued logic systems in which there are three truth values indicating true, false and some indeterminate third value. This is contrasted with the more commonly known bivalent logics (such as classical sentential or Boolean logic) which provide only for true and false.

Pitfalls of NULL Value Processing

1. Comparison with NULL Values

Conclusion: expr = null can’t determine the expression expr to be null, and is null should be used to determine whether the expr is null.

Suppose there is a customer table with following five columns, among which two columns (c_nationcode,c_phone) are nullable.

CREATE TABLE customer (
c_custkey int4 NOT NULL,
c_name varchar(25) NOT NULL,
c_nationcode char(8) NULL,
c_phone varchar(15) NULL,
c_regdate date NULL,
CONSTRAINT customer_pkey PRIMARY KEY (c_custkey)
insert into customer values(1, 'Randy', 'en', '13910010010', '20210911');
insert into customer values(2, 'Mandy', null, '13910010012', '20200211');
insert into customer values(3, 'Ray', 'us', null, '20180902');

If a developer wants to find out the customers with empty phones through the following statement, he won't succeed because the result of following statement is always empty.

select * from customer where c_phone = null;

The correct way should be:

select * from customer where c_phone is null;

Let's examine according to the [Code of Examination], the predicate c_phone = null is evaluated to unknown; then according to Rule 4.1, unknown is treated as false.

-> unknown
-> false;

2. Case When expression with NULL

Conclusion: case expr when null can't determine if the expression is null, the correct way is case when expr is null.

Problems in the where or having clause are easier to detect and correct, while it is much more difficult to detect null usages in case when expressions, either by human or by existing SQL auditing tools.

For example, if we want to decode the nation code to nation name, and the code is null, we want to set nation name to China:

select c_name, case c_nationcode 
when 'us' then 'USA'
when 'cn' then 'China'
when null then 'China'
else 'Others' end
from customer

The above statement does not convert the country code to null to China. Because when null is actually an operation performed by an c_nationcode = null. The correct way to to do it should be:

select c_name, case when c_nationcode = 'us' then 'USA' 
when c_nationcode = 'cn' then 'China'
when c_nationcode is null then 'China'
else 'Others' end
from customer

3. NOT IN with NULL

Conclusion A predicate of a not in subquery with nullable select elements will always be evaluated to false.

Suppose we have an orders table where the customer id(o_custkey) and order date(o_orderdate) are nullable due to missing data.

o_orderkey int4 NOT NULL,
o_custkey int4 NULL,
o_orderdate date NULL,
CONSTRAINT orders_pkey PRIMARY KEY (o_orderkey)
insert into orders values(1, 1, '2021-01-01');
insert into orders values(2, null, '2020-09-01');
insert into orders values(3, 3, null);

Now we want to find customers without orders for marketing. The expected result is the customer whose c_custkey is 2, and the query statement might look like this,

select * from 
where c_custkey not in (
select o_custkey
from orders)

In fact, the above query return nothing to us. The reason is that the o_custkey in the subquery has null values, and the processing logic of NOT IN is like this

c_custkey not in (13,null) 
→ c_custkey<>1 and c_custkey<>3 and c_custkey<>null
→ c_custkey<>1 and c_custkey<>3 and unknown
→ unknown
-> false

In fact, if there are null values in the result set of the subquery, the SQL will always return empty result set.

There are two correct ways:

  • Add a NOT NULL predicate to the subquery, that is

    select * 
    from customer
    where c_custkey not in (
    select o_custkey
    from orders
    where o_custkey is not null
  • Rewrite the NOT IN subquery to the not exists subquery, that is

      select * 
    from customer
    where not exists (
    select o_custkey
    from orders
    where o_custkey=c_custkey

Note: PawSQL Advisor adopts the first method to do rewrite optimization, but it is more powerful, PawSQL Advisor first determines whether the columns in the subquery may be empty, and if it is possible, it will recommend the rewritten SQL to the user.

4. ALL Subquery with NULL

Conclusion: A condition of an ALL-qualified subquery with nullable select elements will always be evaluated to false.

Suppose we want to find out the orders which are wrongly registered after the user is revoked. One of solution is this following query statement.

    select * 
from customer
where c_regdate > ALL (
select o_orderdate
from orders
where c_custkey = o_custkey

Similar to NOT IN above, this sql does not return the expected result due to the presence of NULL in the result of the subquery. The ALL operation is actually performed by comparing it with the returned result set, and then performing the AND operation, and the final result is unknown. While unknown as a condition to be evaluated is, the result is false.

There are two ways to correct it:

  • Add a NOT NULL predicate to the subquery,

    select * 
    from customer
    where c_regdate > all(
    select o_orderdate
    from orders
    where o_orderdate is not null
  • Rewrite expr > all to aggregate scalar subquery expr > (select max()...) 2

    select * 
    from customer
    where c_regdate > (
    select max(o_custkey)
    from orders

Note: PawSQL adopts the second way to rewrite optimization, because PawSQL can further optimize the performance of the second rewritten SQL by rewriting ('max/min subquery rewrite rule').

NULL Optimization in PawSQL

PawSQL has three rewrite optimization rules for NULL processing, corresponding to the four cases above.

RuleCodeRule Description
Use Equal for Null Rewriteexpr = null or case expr when null can't determine whether the expr is null , is null should be used
Not In Nullable SubQuery RewriteA predicate of a not in subquery with nullable select elements will always be evaluated to false.
All Qualified SubQuery RewriteA condition of an ALL-qualified subquery with nullable select elements will always be evaluated to false.

PawSQL is more powerful. It will be based on whether the definition of a column in the DDL is nullable, or whether the operation on the column will produce nullable results, to determine whether the query column in the subquery is nullable, if it is possible to be empty, it will recommend the rewritten SQL to the user.

Rewrites by PawSQL

  • Case 1: = null rewritten to is null

    -- Original SQL
    select count(*) from customer where c_phone = null;

    -- Rewritten SQL
    select count(*) from customer where customer.c_phone is null;
  • Case 2: case expr when null rewritten as case when expr is null

    -- Original SQL
    select case c_phone
    when null then 1
    when '139%' then 0
    else -1
    from customer;

    -- Rewritten SQL
    select case
    when c_phone is null then 1
    when c_phone = '139%' then 0
    else -1
    from customer;
  • Case 3: c_nationkey is nullable, add the condition c_nationkey is not null

    -- Original SQL
    select count(*)
    from nation
    where n_nationkey not in (
    select c_nationkey
    from customer)

    -- Rewritten SQL
    select count(*)
    from nation
    where n_nationkey not in (
    select c_nationkey
    from customer
    where c_nationkey is not null)
  • Case 4: c_nationkey is nullable, so max(c_nationkey) is nullable, adding the condition c_nationkey is not null

    -- Original SQL
    select count(*)
    from nation
    where n_nationkey not in (
    select max(c_nationkey)
    from customer
    group by c_mktsegment)

    -- Rewritten SQL
    select count(*)
    from nation
    where n_nationkey not in (
    select max(customer.c_nationkey)
    from customer
    where c_nationkey is not null
    group by c_mktsegment)
  • Case 5: count(c_nationkey) is never empty, so there is no need to rewrite it.

      select count(*) 
    from nation
    where n_nationkey not in (
    select count(c_nationkey)
    from customer
    group by c_mktsegment)
  • Case 6: c_name is not empty, but c_nationkey is nullable, so the c_nationkey is not null condition needs to be added.

      -- Original SQL
    select count(*)
    from nation
    where (n_name,n_nationkey) not in (
    select 'China',c_nationkey
    from customer

    -- Rewritten SQL
    select count(*)
    from nation
    where(n_name, n_nationkey) not in (
    select'China', c_nationkey
    from customer
    where customer.c_nationkey is not null)
  • Case 7: c_nationkey is nullable, so rewritten as > (select min(c_nationkey) from customer)

    -- Original SQL
    select count(*)
    from customer
    where n_nationkey > all(
    select c_nationkey
    from customer

    -- Rewritten SQL
    select count(*)
    from customer
    where n_nationkey > (
    select min(c_nationkey)
    from customer)

  2. If expr < all or expr < = all, then rewrite it as expr < (select min() ...)